We’re living in a world with many businesses and services operating online. Most of these websites require registration. This means we end up filling up forms with our sensitive information regularly. Moreover, both companies and individuals can become the target of cyber attacks. These include different types of phishing scams and fraudulent emails that harm users. Let’s review 5 different types of scams you need to be aware of.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is a term coined in the mid-90s derived from hackers ‘fishing’ for information. As a rule, these people are after money or personal information. This includes bank account numbers or companies’ sensitive data. They can use various methods to fish for information. One should be careful with fraudulent sites, emails, and phone calls.
They can also present themselves as trusted businesses. For example, you want to order a ghostwriter bachelorarbeit. To do this, you will fill out a form with your personal information and bank data. A fraudulent site can later use this information against you. That’s why you should always use trusted websites and services.
5 Types of Scams You Need to Know About
Scammers use various phishing techniques that involve different types of media. Phone calls used to be the most popular way to trick people. Now, e-mail phishing is one of the most common methods for deceiving customers. Let’s review the 5 most widespread types of phishing.
Scammers perform this type of phishing via SMS messages. As a rule, people trust messages more compared to emails. That’s why they pay less attention to whether they are genuine or not. Thus, they can become prey to scammers. Hackers can often pose as bank assistants or tech support. They would ask to confirm banking details or money transactions. They can also ask to follow a fraudulent link that can install malicious software.
Not all scammer attacks target a large pool of people. Sometimes hackers tailor them to specific individuals. These include politicians and corporate workers who have access to important data. Hackers would spend a considerable amount of time studying their victims. To do this they would research social media and other resources. Their approach would be very personalized and convincing. Using this method, hackers can get access to sensitive corporate data.
This type of attack uses voice messages and calls to catch their victims off guard.
Scammers may often impersonate banks, support services, and even lottery operators. This way they can make people reveal their card numbers and passwords. It’s hard to check the operator’s credentials over the phone. That’s why customers may involuntarily reveal their personal data to hackers and scammers.
Email Spoofing
This is one of the most traditional phishing methods used to scam large numbers of people. It’s hard to check the source of an email. That’s why scammers often use popular names such as PayPal and Microsoft. This makes it easier to trick people into revealing their sensitive information. They can also provide links leading to fraudulent sites or malicious software downloads.
This type of attack targets high-ranking CEOs within financial companies and payment institutions. As the name suggests, they try to deceive the ‘biggest fish’ in the pond. Their main aim is to get passwords and sensitive financial data of a business or company. Cloud service and hosting sites are among the most popular targets of such attacks.
Types of Phishing Emails You Need to Know
Phishing emails can come in many different forms, but some types are more common than others. Scammers often use holidays or popular events to trick people. They also like to send emails about money such as bills, payments, or unexpected refunds.
Here are some examples of phishing emails to watch out for:
- Shipping Notifications: Fake emails that claim your package is delayed or requires additional information.
- Password Reset Requests: Emails that ask you to change your password, often with a link to a fake website.
- Invoice and Receipt Emails: Fake invoices or receipts that ask you to pay a fee or provide personal information.
- Travel-Related Emails: Emails about travel bookings, cancellations, or refunds.
- Voicemail Notifications: Emails that claim you have a voicemail, often with a malicious link.
- Suspicious Links: Emails with links to unknown websites or files.
At present, cybersecurity has become one of the biggest issues for online businesses. Scammers use various phishing methods to get their sensitive information. They can alter use it to harm companies and steal money.
Many scammers prefer using emails because it’s hard to check whether they are genuine or not. They can also use calls and messages to impersonate representatives of various services. One should always be weary of people asking to provide sensitive information.